2 Photos

Hi FAU Bloggers. Today I'd like to talk about 2 photos. I guess the world was very different when I was younger. Not many people I knew had a camera. Photos were for special occasions. We'd have a school photo or photos when cousins came to stay or if we went on holiday. When I was a child, photographs were taken on reels of film that needed to be developed. It was usually a couple of weeks before you could see the photo, look after the event had happened. Nowadays, everything is instant:) This photo must be from the 1960's. I guess I must be about 7 or 8 years old but I can't be 100% sure. It's taken outside the house I grew up in from the age of 6 years old in Abbot's Nook, Chester. If I remember rightly, we were just playing in the street outside my house. My eldest sister, Terri, is in the background on the right hand side. I'm not sure who the other person is. Possibly a cousin. I think my eyes look like "anime eyes", sort of dark and upside...