Your Semester So Far

This has been a busy semester for me so far. I usually teach 3 English courses and an a cross-curricular elective n Manga & Anime which I participate in with FAU Academic Diego Vallejos However, this semester, I started teaching a pilot of a new CFG FAU called English for Work Purposes. Also, for the last 12-months I've been the coordinator of Home Working (teletrabajo) in FAU. 

The English for Work Purposes course has been very time consuming because I'm creating all the materials from scratch and trying to teach career-related content to students from the 4 careers in FAU. I enjoy doing this sort of thing but I think I'm going to get a teaching assistant or do some co-teaching next semester. The teletrabajo work was very busy in August and September but it's been a little quieter since fiestas patrias. 

On a personal note, life in general has also been busy. It was my wife's birthday in September and her sister visited (she's from Santiago but she lives in London), and we went to the beach for a few days (I wrote about it in my fiesta's patrias post). Apart from that, we have also got together with friends and socialised a fair bit. For example, last Saturday, we went to visit an ex secretary from FAU, and on Sunday we caught up with some friends for lunch at my favourite Indian restaurant.

Although I've been busy, I still found some time to practice my hobbies, I dedicated some time to music making and released a new single (Electrified) last Saturday:) 

I also did some reading and manage to finish the Neal Stephenson novel Anathem - which I really enjoyed. It's a science fiction novel about alien contact with earth 2,000 years in the future. It's not short, almost a 1,000 pages long but it's a satisfying read.

Write about your semester so far.


Your favourite classes. Explain why.

Classes that you aren't enjoying, Explain why.

How you manage your time.

Why you do in your free time.

The highlight of the semester so far. Explain why.

Mention anything else you find interesting or important. Try to write at least 200 words. Leave a comment on your teacher's blogs and one the blogs of at least 3 classmates.


  1. 1000 pages!How much time did you spend in this book?

    1. About 5 or 6 weeks. I don´t have much time to read recently. I usually read quite quickly.

  2. who made the cover art for the single?

    1. AI make created the image, I edited it and added the text:)

  3. i really cant read more than 50 pages!!!!

    1. You need to read mangas then .....less words:)

  4. I think that most of the class did get surprised to see that book, i'm not gonna lie, me too-


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