
Your Semester So Far

This has been a busy semester for me so far. I usually teach 3 English courses and an a cross-curricular elective n Manga & Anime which I participate in with FAU Academic Diego Vallejos However, this semester, I started teaching a pilot of a new CFG FAU called English for Work Purposes. Also, for the last 12-months I've been the coordinator of Home Working (teletrabajo) in FAU.  The English for Work Purposes course has been very time consuming because I'm creating all the materials from scratch and trying to teach career-related content to students from the 4 careers in FAU. I enjoy doing this sort of thing but I think I'm going to get a teaching assistant or do some co-teaching next semester. The teletrabajo work was very busy in August and September but it's been a little quieter since fiestas patrias.  On a personal note, life in general has also been busy. It was my wife's birthday in September and her sister visited (she's from Santiago but she lives in

Hurricane Milton

I read ¨Millions in Florida told to leave their homes amid threat to life warning¨ It was written by Martin Belam and published as a main headline today. The main topic is Hurricane Milton and the possible damage it could cause. Basically, Florida residents in the predicted path of the hurricane have been told to leave their homes due to the chance of winds of up to 130 mph. The storm is currently grade 5 with winds of 160mph. The main news is that people are being told to leave their homes because this threatens to be one of the most devastating hurricanes in recent years, I think this topic is important because of how climate change is visibly affecting our lives and how it could impact our future.

A Newspaper Article

Visit The Guardian newspaper ( Choose an article. Fill in the worksheet your teacher provides. Link the article you read in your post and upload a screenshot/mobile photo of the article. Leave a comment on your teacher´s blog, and the blogs of at least 3 classmates.

A School Teacher You Remember

 A school teacher I remember was Mrs Burrows, who was my first English teacher when I moved to school in England. I was born in Wales between Mold and Buckley, but I moved to Chester, in England, when I was 6 years old.  I don't really remember any of my teachers in Wales but Mrs Burrows made a big impression. She was always jolly. She smiled a lot, and I remember her as a very gentle person. The main thing I remember from the English classes is the stories she used to tell us. Her and her husband had lived many years in China working as missionaries and she loved to tell us about her travels and experiences.  I also remember we read short stories and poems in class and then worked to create our own stories and poems. It was a long time ago but I distinctly remember being very proud of a poem I wrote about a leaf. I can't remember how many years Mrs Burrows taught me but it can only have been 2 or 3. Unfortunately, her and her husband died in a car crash whilst on holiday in It

Fiestas Patrias

 Hi Bloggers, Being a non-meat eater (my diet is 99% plant-based), Fiestas Patrias is not my favourite celebration because it centres around barbecues and the smell of cooked meat. However, what I do enjoy is having a few days holiday, and I guess this year was special because we had 10 days off. So, my wife´s birthday was on September 12th so from the 13th to the 17th we went to Isla Negra with her sister and mum. We rented a little cabin in the middle of nowhere (about 15 minutes walk from the centre of the town). It was a really relaxing place, surrounded by trees  so the only sounds were the birds and the wind in the trees.  It was a really lazy few days. We cooked, ate, drank, read and went for the occasional walk. In the evenings we played table games (Ticket to Ride and Yatzee). On the way back to Santiago on the 17th, we went via Limache and visited some friends there. On September 18 & 19, I just chilled, making music, watching some movies and reading. A good break:) How a

Five Favourites

 Hi Fau Bloggers. Today I'm going to ask you to write about 5 favourites & why. The categories are: A song, a film, a piece of technology, a book, and a souvenir or trinket. The song I'm going to share with you is a song from 1971 by David Bowie called Quicksand. I really love the lyrics and all the images they conjure up. Bowie was about 24 years old when he wrote this song but he sounds so wise. I love this track because it reminds me of my youth (as well as demonstrating Bowie's versatility). My favourite film is most probably Brazil by Terry Gilliam. Released in 1985, it's is a "dystopian science fiction black comedy" (Wikipedia), which I must have seen at least 10 times. Actually, it's a nightmarish love story. I love it because it has so many bits of hidden humour. It may look a little dated nowadays but I still think it's amazing. A piece of technology I use a lot is my Macbook laptop. I bought it refurbished in the UK during COVID, mainly t

A Good Friend

  Part 1 Visit this British Council website and read the text: Write a 60 - 80 word summary. Part 2 Write a short post about your a good friend: Say Who it is, How you met, What you have in common. My short post is about my good friend Kat, pictured above. We met because a neighbour rescued him for a dog attack when he was a kitten. He decided to live with me and my wife. Kat and I both liked sitting on the balcony and eating. Unfortunately he passed away in 2017, aged 17 years. He was an amazing companion. R.I.P